7 Ways To Stay Consistent With Your Workouts

One thing I see many people struggle with is remaining consistent with their workouts. No matter who you are, or what your fitness goals are, you’re going to need to be consistent if you want to see results… it’s something none of us can escape! Below, I’ve listed 7 tips that, if you apply, will help you find (or regain) that all-important consistency.

1) Time of day

The time of day that you train, is really key when it comes to consistency. Are you an early bird or a night owl? You want to train at a time where you feel you have the most energy, otherwise working out can all too easily begin to feel like a chore and you’re unlikely to continue. If you feel tired, that will most likely hinder you from getting the most out of your sessions, and hence lead to discouragement or demotivation. So choose a time that works best for you.

2) Length of time

How long do you generally work out for? How long are your sessions? You want to choose a length of time that not only fits into your schedule, but that is also achievable for where you are in your fitness journey. Going from not training at all to trying to train 5 days a week, 1 hour a day, might be too much for you. Take it one step at a time. Even 15-20 minutes a day (consistently) can begin to transform your fitness. It’s often biting off more than you can chew that leads people to give up. So, start small and build it up little by little once you’ve built the consistent habit.

3) Location

Do you feel a little bit intimidated by the gym? Do you get easily distracted by family when you try to work out at home? Where you choose to train can play a role in how motivated you feel, and how much you actually get done. Perhaps you’re an outdoor person, then training outdoors could be the location for you. Or maybe you thrive being around other people? Then perhaps a leisure centre is the right location for you. There isn’t only one “right” location for you to exercise, only what’s right for you. Think outside the box a little bit… think about where you thrive, and train there!

4) Fuel your body

If you want to get the most out of your sessions, you need to make sure that you’re providing your body with a good source of energy prior to your sessions. Again, if you consistently lack energy during a session, you won’t be able to get the most out of your training and are unlikely to see the result you desire, which again can lead to demotivation.

For more information about when and what to eat before and after a session, read my previous blog post HERE.

5) Get enough rest

Similarly to fueling your body, rest is another key factor that can influence how much energy you have for exercise. Aim to get around 7-9 hours of sleep a night, and give yourself enough recovery between training days, or muscle groups worked. If you’re a beginner, 48 hours is a good amount of time to give yourself before your next session.

6) Workout type

When it comes to exercise, there is something for everyone… what do you like and what do you enjoy? Because at the end of the day, you’re unlikely to continue with something that you find too hard, too boring, or simply not challenging enough. Choose exercises that peak your interests, that suit your fitness and skill level, but that also enable you to keep progressing in your fitness journey.

7) Accountability

Having someone that you can check in with may be just what you need to help you stay consistent. Sometimes you have to be honest with yourself and admit that you need help. Accountability looks different for everyone; it may mean creating a Whatsapp group with others on a similar journey, or it may mean working out with a friend or getting yourself a personal trainer. There’s a reason accountability is used across many fields and industries… because it works. Especially when it comes to building consistency.

So which of these 7 tips is most beneficial to you? Let me know in the comments below.

And if you think you know a friend that would benefit from this post, why not share it with them?

About The Author: Torema Thompson is an athlete, qualified personal trainer, and UKA athletics coach. She is passionate about helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts go from newbies to masters in their athletics and/or fitness.

Connect with Torema on YouTube and Instagram, or subscribe to her email list to be notified about new blog posts.


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